—But we won't have to. If you want to understand them, try to understand how they think of themselves.”
“Sure. “So where is he?”
Morrison said, “I notice that no one approaches us. We fatal carsh call it the Grotto. They will have no reason to talk to you.”
“They'll be curious about a stranger.”
“I have seen to it that they know you are an outside expert. In fatal carsh fact, she has been miniaturized on three separate occasions and would have been miniaturized dozens of fatal carsh times more if we had been able to afford it. Morrison. Later we can have lunch brought in.”
“You are kind,” said Morrison, trying not to sound sardonic.
Boranova seemed to take it at face value. My government does and I owe them loyalty. But all this is irrelevant, Natalya. It gave me a splendid opportunity to practice my English.”
“Nevertheless,” said Boranova in Russian, “Dr. The resonance takes fatal carsh place only when you fatal carsh are busily studying the brain waves with your programmed computer. fatal carsh “Our Sophia,” he said, “has never liked Americans. Besides, she knows me better than you do, my little Albert, and was probably under no illusion that I was drunk. That will do you no harm, Albert. She said in English, “A good afternoon to you, gentleman.”
He grimaced slightly. We know from our experience with space travel that, as you said earlier, there are individual differences in reaction to unusual environments. “It shall not be my child's.”
“Is that why you have had to be persuaded to undertake this miniaturization?”
“And work with him? Yes, that is why. She might be better off so.” Sophia paused and looked around. With a hearty “Good night. But it will be a struggle and, if you're sensitive, embarrassing. I thought the motions would be worse. That's up to Natalya. “A piece of pumpernickel, really, and no bigger than it should be. That creature ahead is preparing to envelop and engulf us.”
Boranova said, “So it fatal carsh is. This would kill the animal which we had been studying—it would only be an animal, of course, but even so some of us agonized over that. In that case, Albert, unclasp yourself and let us get this suit fatal carsh on you.”
“On me?” Morrison sputtered.
“Of course. I was separated, alone, lost.”
“I understand that, but you need make no fatal carsh special effort to sense. Kaliinin was fidgety. “We're not getting heat transfer, we're getting field oscillation.”
Morrison, staring in despair, recognized the fatal carsh phenomenon he had seen when alone in the cell. “I simply couldn't pump enough energy into the ship. I think fatal carsh you know why. My cerebrograph tells me that, too. Perhaps less, but certainly not more.”
77. Or perhaps (Morrison thought) “happy” was too strong a word. “Are you claiming responsibility?”
Konev's head bent. Besides, the Soviet Government knows that they ordered you returned and fatal carsh if you are returned, then anything fatal carsh Konev will tell them about you will do him no good. He was not entirely sorry to do so. They might have fatal carsh deliberately misled me or they fatal carsh may have been wrong because they had insufficient knowledge themselves.”
“Yes yes, I understand. Did you also receive similar thoughts from the young lady?”