And that, despite all this, you cling to your view and do not budge from what you are certain is right. And what is wrong with that?”
Morrison shook his head in the dimness. Tell me why I am really here. I have been truthful with you from ffast cars the start. Academician Shapirov ffast cars has spoken of you often.”
Morrison said coldly, “I am flattered. Dezhnev came closer still and said, “Comrade American, my friend Natasha is a romantic and she is convinced that you will want to help us for love of science. Indeed, barring a certain understandable reluctance, we could easily work in the nude. —Please get in.”
Morrison entered the compact vehicle with some difficulty. “You know, one could almost believe Albert. Fundamentally, Planck's constant has decreased, so that nothing inside has changed relative to its own parts. “You know that cannot be done. You have ffast cars designed your own program for the purpose of brain wave analysis, haven't you?”
“Yes, I have.”
“And described it in the literature?”
“Certainly. I have, in these last few years, learned ffast cars to accept all ffast cars kinds of remarks-hostile, sarcastic, and—worst of all—pitying. Over and over, Boranova had hinted of his usefulness without actually saying what it might be. You can be miniaturized and be inside that single nerve cell.”
And Morrison stared at her in sick horror. ffast cars No, ffast cars he hadn't been here. Yuri Konev, to be precise.”
Konev said, “It had to be me. ffast cars If an administrator is incorr— too infernally honest, it makes life hard in so many little ways. And very vigorously, too. —Besides, they wanted you to go to the Soviet Union voluntarily, didn't they?”
Morrison was silent.
Boranova said, “Of course they did. Besides-are we truly lying when we call you a charlatan?”
“Of course you ffast cars are!”
“Let's reason it out. You will not be alone.” Boranova reached out and touched ffast cars a contact on her desk.
Dezhnev entered. —If we are miniaturized, that is.”
“Yes. If I were to try to lift you now, I would be lifting one eighth your normal weight and I would be doing so with my muscles ffast cars at one quarter their normal strength. It was ffast cars the obvious retort.
Kaliinin, noting this, said with a shake of her head, “I thought so. Uppermost was a ffast cars feeling of ffast cars hope that perhaps the whole experiment had failed. What we would then be trying to do, in effect, would be to miniaturize the entire Universe. Then you will see.”
“What will I see?” said Morrison.
“You would see instant acceleration. “if you float a bit, at least you can't float very far.”
For a moment, Morrison fumbled at his seat belt, having forgotten the location of the appropriate contact. Give it indigestion like it has never had.”
Again a sharp negative from ffast cars Boranova. Not ffast cars much at this stage, since there was so little mass to remove, but where would the energy come from?
It had to come from the suit's own miniaturization field. Find an explanation. Perhaps Albert hasn't got his machine properly ffast cars focused. His finger kept pointing rigidly and he said finally, “Arkady, ffast cars begin curving back into the doldrums and be ready to plunge into the original stream. — Dezhnev Senior
70. Konev did not turn to look into ffast cars the ship. You know Konev.”
Boranova said, “Tap on the hull of the ship, Albert. It was not the water molecules that were oscillating, after all. No! It was harsh breathing.
He opened his eyes (he hadn't realized they were closed) and found himself staring at Kaliinin in the dim light. Both of them.
Boranova said, “Albert, you are not here to teach anyone manners. Our remaining energy supply is not great.”
Boranova said, “It will last until we find our way out of the cranium, surely.”
Dezhnev said, “We can hope so. He was still virtually without mass, but there was distinctly more of it than there had been when they were maneuvering within the cell. We can never let him ffast cars go.”
The trouble with triumph is that you may be on the other side. He deprived me of love and my daughter of a father when I had no way of striking back. We never explained that.”
“That ffast cars was a mistake.”
“Come, Yuri. If you love your country...”
“I'm tired of loving. —But tell me, why did you tell her this man, Konev, was in love ffast cars with her? She was just waiting to hear that from a third person. “I guess they'll recover okay. Morrison, do you mind if I take notes. It tells us about the behavior of the miniaturization field, but nothing about how the field is produced.