“You fort carson are not a serious man. They'll imprison him—or kill him—and I've sent him there.”
“That's just middle-of-the-night blues, Frank. Morrison. He said, “Madame Boranova...”
“Why not call me Natalya, Dr. “You haven't told me what it is you want of me. Albert Jonas Morrison, Arkady.”
Dezhnev managed a clumsy bow and said, “I have heard of you, Dr. “Well, it's your worry, not mine.”
“As you say,” said Dezhnev. Gingerly, he placed his hand on either side of the cage and lifted. The very atoms and molecules of which the cage and its contents are composed have shrunk in size and mass. Pyotor Shapirov is one of them.”
“Crazy Peter,” said Morrison, smiling.
Morrison had kept his temper well so far. You seemed to undergo a shock.”
Now Morrison remembered. So far, you have achieved little in the way of results. You have convinced no one in your country and you don't have any fort carson chance of doing so as long as you are left with only the tools you have. If 'Crazy Peter,' as you call him, were mad enough to speak of emigrating, that would go beyond what the government would fort carson be willing to allow even in these days. We are all partners in this fort carson greatest of all exploring trips. Boranova, whom you have referred to as the Tsarina—have fort carson acted on their own. Besides, she knows me better than you do, my little Albert, and was probably under no illusion that I was drunk.
The next morning Morrison and Dezhnev returned to the fort carson Grotto. On the desk was a small word processor. The American government knows that you asked me to come to the Soviet Union and that I refused. —Besides, they wanted you to go to the Soviet Union voluntarily, didn't they?”
Morrison was silent.
Boranova said, “Of course they did. All you'll be able to report will be that you watched a rabbit undergo miniaturization, which they will consider to have been a bit of flim-flam on our part. It would hold you up to the world as a great humanitarian. Don't fort carson you see that—since you are a scientist yourself?”
“Yet there may be individual differences. Some astronauts suffer episodes of nausea under zero gravity and some do not, for instance. —Did you feel nausea?”
“I didn't until I found out fort carson we fort carson had been miniaturized, but I suppose feeling queasy now doesn't count. And if he dies in the course of this attempt —” She held out her hand in appeal to him. “That is a foolish fort carson question, Albert, and I suppose it is inspired only by your fear of miniaturization. She didn't sound incoherent to me.”
Morrison didn't know why he was pushing the matter. He said, “There's a camera crew out there.”
Kaliinin was now standing next to him. This contact is to open and that fort carson contact is to close. What we would then be trying to do, in effect, would be to miniaturize the entire Universe. And as for you, Arkady, fort carson ease the air-conditioning intensity before we all catch pneumonia. We both want him back. “But could that be? If he sensed something when you held it, fort carson why shouldn't fort carson he sense something when he holds it?”
“Perhaps conditions have changed. She's the reason you're still alive. —Grotto.”
Then he smiled. I said I didn't and he explained it to me very carefully. Haven't fort carson I been telling you this for quite a while?” said Dezhnev. Shapirov is dead and his heart isn't beating. Thinking about it afterward made him feel certain he had. “That was the consequence you must have accepted when you brought me here.”
“True and we won't let it keep us from returning you. Two generations of peace, two generations fort carson of getting along, and your old habits persist. “But that's impossible. She had not hesitated to threaten to destroy his reputation forever to get him fort carson on the ship. You're going to love this. Try to relax and look at fort carson the sky. And I'm taking you away from him, Albert. Certainly not now and possibly not ever.”
Boranova shook her head violently. She won't wait for nightfall. If it were a fresh fort carson wind, it wouldn't pay to use a skimmer at all. The early summer was warm and the ground looked semiarid. Morrison viewed it with mild distaste. It's the nation.”
“Tell me. Do you have a gun?”
Konev looked surprised. Her free left hand gestured at Morrison while her eyes remained fixed on Konev. They've got orders to take one guy and they'll test you to fort carson make sure you're the right one. “We're going at just under the speed limit fort carson and the Soviets have every centimeter of fort carson the highway radarized.
It was Saturday morning and Morrison was recovering. He simply raised his arm in casual fort carson greeting and fort carson said, “You're the agent who wanted me to go to the Soviet Union. And this is Professor Robert G. Make the most of it.